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    A Trinity Tribute

Dr. Joanne Schaper has been selected as the recipient of our Trinity Tribute!


Dr. Schaper currently serves as a Church Council member, choir member, WELCA member, Children’s Choir Director, special decorator, and the overall “mover and shaker” of this church family.  Joanne has been described by Pastor Jack as the “Energizer Bunny”.  Her indefatigable nature and effervescent smile has been contagious throughout the congregation. 


We especially appreciate Joanne’s efforts in securing the finances and arrangements needed for the installment of our new sanctuary air conditioning system and the completion of our new driveway, “Hartman’s Way”.


Joanne’s photo does not appear very often on this website because she took 99% of the photos!  She prefers being behind the camera, not in front of it! 


Most of all, Holy Trinity owes Joanne a debt of gratitude for the way she kept morale high and motivated volunteers during a recent pastoral vacancy lasting for over two years.


Well done, Dr. Schaper !  You are truly a wonderful Christian and leader!

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