12/27/20 "A Sigh of Relief" lJesus Brings Hope During Stress-Filled Times ( category: Trusting God in Difficult Times )
Sunday worship - November 08, 2020
by Pastor Jack - November 08 - worship online
Sunday Worship - November 08, 2020 23rd Sunday of Pentecost Sermon: by Pastor Jack
Music: Chad Flynn
Sunday worship - November 08, 2020
by Pastor Jack - November 08 - worship online
Sunday Worship - November 08, 2020 23rd Sunday of Pentecost Sermon: by Pastor Jack
Music: Chad Flynn
Sunday worship - February 14, 2021
by Pastor Jack - February 14 - worship online
Sunday Worship - February 14, 2021 6th Sunday After Epiphany Sermon: by Pastor Jack
Music: Chad Flynn
Our Christmas Music Concert
1. O Come All Ye Faithful
11. O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings
2. Welcome by Pastor Jack
12. For Unto Us a Child is Born
3. Orchestral Overture
13. Pastoral Symphony
4. Comfort Ye My People.
14. There were Shepherds
5. Ev'ry Valley
15. Glory to God
6. And the Glory of the Lord
16. Rejoice Greatly
7. Thus Saith the Lord
17. Then the Eyes of the Blind
8. But Who May Abide
18. Hallelujah
9. And He Shall Purify
19. Joy to the World
10. Behold a Virgin Shall Conceive
The Christmas Cantata
The Messiah - Part 1
George Frideric Handel

Conductor / Director: Chad Flynn
The HTLC Choir
The JTHS Choir
Co-Conductor: Dr. Joanne Schaper
Soprano: Danielle Schreck
Alto: Jennifer Forte-Flynn
Tenor: Andy Grilk
Bass: Chad Flynn
Violin 1: Jamie West
Violin 2: Sarah Wlazlowski
Viola: Mel Passler
Cello: Loni Bach
Timpani: Travis Salim
Harpsichord: Krista Sweer
Trumpet: Rich Hartsuiker
Baritone: Kaleb Williams
Clarinet: William Rodriguez
Organ: Donna Gulliksen