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History of the Sunday School

Sunday School 1967-1968             Superintendent-Mary Ann Kelley, Assistant-Betty Fox,

                                                           Treasurer-Olga Johnson, Secretary- Susan Cresswell

                                                                            175 Children in Attendance

Sept:    Due to lack of space, the Sunday school met in 3 different places: The Church (Pre K), Marcella Community                                            Center (K-4th) and the Marcella Firehouse (5th-8th)  There were no problems with this arrangement.

Nov:    Canned goods were collected for Thanksgiving and given to the Salvation Army. They were very grateful and a letter of                            appreciation was received thanking us.

Dec:    Christmas Programs: Primary program was held at the Marcella Community Center. The senior program was held at the church.                Refreshments were served at both programs with the aid of the Dorcus, Martha, and Faith Circles.

           JJ Vandermark donated individual milks in chocolate and white.

           All children received a box of candy.

April:   Bibles were presented to the 3rd graders on Palm Sunday. The Sunday school staff served at the Easter Sunrise                                     Service.

May:   On Mother’s Day, all mothers attending church were presented with a carnation.

June:  The Annual picnic was at Camp Koininia. Everyone joined in with the community table, there were games for the                                     Children and the parents and we gathered together for a short open-air service.

          On Father’s day all fathers received a small token from the Sunday school.

          On the last day of Sunday school, the attendance pins and the perfect attendance gifts were awarded.

          NOTE: No summer bible school this year due to lack of space.



Sunday School 1968-1969               Superintendent -Mary Ann Kelley, Assistant-Betty Fox,

                                                            Treasurer-Olga Johnson, Secretary Betty O’Brien

                                                                         200 Children in Attendance

Sept.:   The first day of Sunday school. The Classes were held in our new building.

Oct.:     We sponsored a Family Night. The program was made up of the children. Refreshments were served.

Nov.:     Canned goods were collected for Thanksgiving and given to the Salvation Army.

Dec.:     This year the Christmas program included all the grades. All children received a box of candy.        

             Refreshments were served.

April:     Bibles were presented to the 3rd graders on Palm Sunday. The Sunday school served at the Sunrise Service.

May:     Carnations were presented to all Mothers who attended church on Mother’s Day.

June:    The Sunday school organized and ran the games at the Church bazaar.  Our annual picnic was held at

            Mt. Hope Pond. There were games and prizes for the children & parents.

            On the last day of Sunday school, attendance pins & special attendance gifts were presented to the children.



Sunday School 1969-1970             Superintendent- Mary Ann Kelley- Assistant- Betty Fox

                                                          Treasurer-Olga Johnson, Secretary-Mary Storniello

                                                                189 Children in Attendance- 12 teachers- 3 helpers


Sept.:    The first fay of Sunday school. Everyone is now using the new curriculum.

             The 7th & 8th grades are now included. Their Sunday lesson is now connected with their week-day confirmation class.                            A night was set aside for the Parents and children of the 7th and 8th grades to meet with the Pastor and discuss the new                        curriculum.

Oct.:      The games at the Church bazaar were set up and run by the Sunday school. A Parent-Teacher meeting was held in October.                    The teachers put on a skit and afterwards met with the parent to outline the curriculum the children were using.

Nov.:     Our November project was collecting canned goods and money donations to buy turkeys and deliver them to the                                   Salvation Army. They in return filled the baskets and delivered them to needy families in the area for                                                     Thanksgiving.

Dec.:     The Christmas program was most enjoyable. Every class Nursery thru 8th took part. Refreshments were served and a box of                    candy was given to each child attending.

March:   Holy Bibles were presented to all the children in the 3rd grade.

April:     The Sunday school staff served for the Easter sunrise Service at the Lake Telemark Country Club.

May:      A carnation was presented to all mothers who attended the 11:00 service on Mothers Day

             A Sunday School Variety Show was presented with a very entertaining program. The talent was all found in our own Sunday                    School.

             The entire 8th grade took part in presenting a 9:30 Worship Service The sermon was presented by Glenn                                              Berntsen. All parents were invited to attend.

June:     The annual picnic was held at Cam Koininia. Everyone enjoyed swimming, boating, and horseback riding. Games were played by              both the children and the adults. After lunch the younger children acting as deciples rounded up everyone leading them to the                  outside chapel, We then joined in the singing of some favorite hymns and the children took part in introducing Pastors words for              the day.

             On the last day of Sunday school, attendance pins and specialgifts wee awarded to the children.

             All fathers were presented with a Father’s day book mark.

August:  Vacation Bible School.


Sunday School 1970-1971   Superintendent- Mary Ann Kelley, Treasurer-Olga Johnson, Secretary-Mary Storniello

                                                       205 Children in Attendance – 14 Teachers – 3 Helpers


A teachers training course is being offered to both the current and future teachers.


First Day of Sunday school. There are classes from Nursery (ages 3 & 4 through 8th Grade.

A night was set aside for the parents of the 7th and 8th grade confirmation children to meet with the Pastor and teacher to discuss both the confirmation program and the Sunday school curriculum.


Programs in 71

A Variety show consisting of the talents of the children in the Sunday school was presented. Next year there are two such programs set up, each involving different age groups.

The 7th grade class presented the sermon at the 11: 00 A.M. worship service. Next year it is hoped that the 7th & 8th grades will each take part in a few worship services.

There were two Christmas programs this year. Classes Nursery through 5th took part in the first program.

Grades 6th thru 8th presented “The Quiet of Christmas” a very beautiful and meaningful program.

The tables of food for both programs were filled by the parents and the milk donated by J.J. Vandrmark. Each child received a box of candy.


A Family night was presented with the showing of the film “Martin Luther”.


Projects in 71

The Sunday school again took part in the church bazaar. In the downstairs room the children ran games of fun for all ages.

After Sunrise Service, the Sunday school staff served breakfast in the Lake Telemark Clubhouse.

For Thanksgiving each class brought in one particular food. We were able to deliver quite a menu to the Salvation Army who in turn delivered them to needy families in the area.


Presentations in 71

All confirmands were presented with a gift of jewelry in remembrance of their confirmation,

On Mother’s Day all women attending church service was presented with a carnation to be won in love and in memory of all mothers.



Holy Bibles were presented to the 3rd graders on Palm Sunday during a service conducted by the 8th Grade class.

On the last day of Sunday school attendance pins & special attendance gifts were presented to the children.


Fun in71

The annual Sunday School picnic was held at Swartswood Lake. Everyone seemed to like the new location. The lake was very close to swimming, a playground for the younger children was near the tables, a baseball field and grills were available.

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