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Christian Education


Fasten your seatbelts for a high-energy year which includes children's messages during worship, Bible learning, the blessing of backpacks, computer lab, cooking, creative drama, music, science, and more!  The children love to participate in community relief projects, too!


Our Sunday School Superintendent, Erin Osterhout, will be assisted again by the energetic Megan Hatem, who always adds enthusiasm to any project.  In addition, Erin will be co-instructing our confirmands with Pastor Jack.


Mix in an Easter egg hunt, Christmas pageant , and "Souper Bowl" Sunday, and Holy Trinity will be exploding with creativity and faith-expressions by our young folks this year.


Sunday School is available for all children ages pre-K to sixth grade.


Confirmation Class

Confirmation Instruction is available for all students in seventh and eighth grade.  This is a two-year program to prepare our young people for adult membership in the church. 


Participants learn, grow, and get involved in community service projects, Biblical reflections, worship services, and more! 

Adult Education

Adult Education classes are taught by Pastor Jack.  Highlights include a "Lunch and Learn Bible Study" offered at noon on the first and third Wednesdays of each month.  Bring a bag lunch...we'll provide beverages and a Bible!

Our pastor also offers an instructional seder meal on Holy Thursday.


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