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Community Service


Holy Trinity finds great meaning in our various service projects for, and with, the community.  In Matthew Chapter 25, Jesus commands us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and to make the world a better place by our loving efforts.


The Holy Trinity family exemplifies the motto of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America:  “God’s Work…Our Hands”.  Consider this:


-Throughout the year our women’s group supports various charities (local and international)

- Our Sunday School children collect food for the needy and new school supplies for underserved neighbors

- We have a clothing bin right on our property

- We collect coats for the Market Street Mission

- A concerted food drive is initiated each November

- “Souper Bowl Sunday” is a food drive for the hungry each year to coincide with the Super Bowl

- We assist neighbors whose homes have been victimized by fire, floods, or other natural disasters

- Several of our members are volunteer firefighters and EMT workers

- Others volunteer with the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity

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