12/27/20 "A Sigh of Relief" lJesus Brings Hope During Stress-Filled Times ( category: Trusting God in Difficult Times )
Sunday worship - November 08, 2020
by Pastor Jack - November 08 - worship online
Sunday Worship - November 08, 2020 23rd Sunday of Pentecost Sermon: by Pastor Jack
Music: Chad Flynn
Sunday worship - November 08, 2020
by Pastor Jack - November 08 - worship online
Sunday Worship - November 08, 2020 23rd Sunday of Pentecost Sermon: by Pastor Jack
Music: Chad Flynn
Sunday worship - February 14, 2021
by Pastor Jack - February 14 - worship online
Sunday Worship - February 14, 2021 6th Sunday After Epiphany Sermon: by Pastor Jack
Music: Chad Flynn
Women’s Group – Also Known as WELCA
Holy Trinity’s most active group is WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).
The women of all ages meet once each month for planning and fellowship...then they are extremely active all year long, including the sponsoring of educational events, preparing food for all occasions, staffing the altar guild, raising funds for local charities, and offering the annual Christmas Bazaar which attracts vendors and participants from all over New Jersey. Led by its fearless leader, Marga Conn (pictured above), the women are real sparkplugs of faith and enthusiasm.